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Addictions / compulsions

You want to change, but you just can't ...


Smoking cessation


Gambling addiction

Compulsion to control


Alcohol addiction


Tidying up / cleaning compulsory


Career addiction

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Addictions / compulsions

Why can't I just let it go?

You know exactly what is happening, or at the latest afterwards it becomes clear to you: You have already done it again! You have made up your mind: "This time was the last time!" 
Again and again you try to resist the addiction, the compulsion and thus the internal pressure. But you just don't succeed. It seems to work like an automatism, the loss of control and then your guilty conscience .....
You tried everything but you just can't stop?
I can reassure you because it is not due to a lack of discipline or a weak will. The patterns in you are controlled by your subconscious. Therefore, hypnosis can help you to start exactly where the addiction / compulsion arises. I am happy to get to know you because you are not alone and there is a way out.

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