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frequently asked Questions

Häufige Fragen: FAQ

Do I sleep during hypnosis?

No, hypnosis is a natural state of our brain in which conscious thinking is reduced - similarly shortly before falling asleep or when driving a car, apparently unconsciously.

Could I say or do something that I don't want to?

No, you can still decide freely and even end the hypnosis on your own if you want to.

Can I get stuck in hypnosis?

No, you will hear me during the hypnosis and you will also be able to answer. Thus communication and the dissolution of the trance is always guaranteed.

How is the process?

There is a detailed anamnesis interview in which you describe your concern. Then the actual hypnosis takes place in order to implement the goals that have been determined beforehand. Finally, there will be a follow-up discussion in which you can express your experiences and wishes.

Am I even hypnotizable?

Everyone can be hypnotized if they want and allow it.

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