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Live your life light

Hypnosis - Yoga - Personal Training - Coaching


My training

- certified hypnosis coach (Palacios Academy)
- certified hypnosis therapist (Palacios Academy)
- trained yoga teacher (401 UI // TTC in Reith)
- trained children's yoga teacher (specialization in Reith)

Persönlich: Willkommen

Who am I?

I am Luise and I would like to support you in really achieving your goals and wishes.


Already during my studies and the subsequent commercial apprenticeship, I noticed that many people, despite their will and discipline, cannot change their destructive behavior and their thought patterns sustainably and do not achieve their goals appropriately.  


But why is that? 

The solution suddenly seemed so simple: If 90% of our daily actions and thoughts happen unconsciously, why not use our subconscious for us instead of against us !?


Therefore, I want to show you how you can connect with your subconscious to achieve the changes that you really want! Simply and with ease! This is what "Live your life light!"


I look forward to a free initial consultation with you on site or online via Zoom!

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Why your subconscious is the solution

Einstein said, "no problem can be solved with the same means with which it arose". Therefore, you don't necessarily have to come to terms with your past or analyze every reason for your behavior or your thought patterns.
Much more important is to use your subconscious and thus 90% of your previous (unused) resources and thereby achieve true and deep changes so much faster and easier! You decide what we want to work on.

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Let your body help your mind

It's no longer a secret how closely the mind and body are connected! For this reason I also use the benefits and effects of yoga to include the physical component. 
Thanks to the one-to-one training, I can respond individually to your wishes and needs and offer you flexible appointments, far away from a fixed group.

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National Guild of Hypnotists


Association of Swiss Hypnotherapists


German Association for Hypnosis

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Customer opinions


I thank you from the bottom of my heart! After years of struggle, I would never have thought it possible to put my past and my behavior patterns aside so easily! Over and over again I tried different things and thought that I just wasn't disciplined enough. You showed me that it can be easy too. Without a fight, without anger and disappointment in myself. Just thank you!

Michaela from Aachen

I had actually already given up because I tried almost all diets and all exercise programs that seem to exist. I just wanted to chase away my weaker self at the session! Instead of this  I have found access to myself again, which now carries me through my life with ease and allows me to achieve my feel-good weight without dieting.


I have to admit, I really had prejudices, but Luise was able to eliminate all of them: Use the stones on the way instead of trying to remove them with senseless expenditure of strength. I now use this power for other things :-)

S. Thomas

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Ich hatte Luise wegen einer stressbedingten Störung meines Verdauungssystems um Hilfe gebeten. Da ich im Ausland lebe, mussten wir eine Konsultations- und Hypnose Sitzung via Internet abhalten. Obwohl die Wirkung der Sitzung nicht sofort spürbar war, stellten sich nach etwa drei Wochen erste Besserungsanzeichen ein und das Problem war nach weiteren etwa zwei Wochen völlig behoben. Besonders hilfreich waren dabei auch die Ratschläge und Suggestionsformeln, die mir Luise zur Eigenbehandlung empfohlen hat. Vielen Dank - Tolle Leistung!!!

Würde ich sie weiterempfehlen: Ja

Gibt es sonst noch etwas?: Wichtig erscheint mir, sich nicht nur "passiv" auf die Hypnose zu verlassen sondern auch danach "aktiv" und regelmäßig die von Luise empfohlenen Übungen durchzuführen. Viel Erfolg!


Steffen Wolf, Bangkok

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